Are You Ready to Lead?
Transform Your Stories
Overcome Your Toxic Stories, Become a Courageous and Confident Leader, and Impact the World
Have you ever felt that nagging voice in the back of your mind saying, “You’re not cut out for this” or “Who are you to lead a team?”
Maybe you’ve struggled with stepping into a leadership role. Fear, doubt, and worry creep in and take control, causing you to second-guess yourself and play small.
What if you could experience more confidence and courage to lead your team and get better results?
If you’re ready to overcome your toxic stories and create the impact you really want to have in this world, then Transform Your Stories is for you!
In this book, you’ll learn how to:
Understand what toxic stories are, who has them, and where they come from
Discover the role stories play in your journey
Identify your stories and how they’re holding you back
Navigate your stories and learn how to avoid creating new ones
Overcome and transform your toxic stories
Buy your copy of Transform Your Stories Today!
4.8/5 Stars on Amazon
“Ashley will help you dig out the toxic stories you didn’t know you had and convince you that you’re an awesome leader just waiting to be unearthed.”
— Brogan Micallef, Content Creator and Strategist
"A thoughtful and actionable book for any leader."
— Cinnamon Wolfe, Photo Editor + Business Coach
"This book completely changed the way I talk to myself!"
— Arjaye
"This book will help you lead yourself to success."
- Sarah
"A must-read for every leader."
— Anonymous
“This book completely changed my perspective on how I view myself. I realized how long I've been allowing these negative thoughts and toxic stories to hold me back.”
— Sara Foster, Speech-Language Pathologist
"This should be on every leader's bookshelf."
— Lee Chaix McDonough, Founder + CEO of Coach with Clarity
"I experienced a revelation while reading this book. Thank you!"
— Debbie
"I've shifted some of my stories and it's made a huge impact in my life and business."
— Abby
About The Author
Ashley Cox, PHR, SHRM-CP is an author and leadership mentor for women, where she helps them tap into and leverage their natural strengths to lead in a way that feels good and gets results.
She uses her years of leadership and human resources experience, combined with her own strengths of empathy, connectedness, and strategy to help women to become more confident, capable and effective leaders so they can build stronger teams and have more impact in the world.
Ashley lives in Northeast TN with her husband, Mike, and their quirky, fun-loving rescue dog, Reece.